Dust Optical Reverberation Mapping (DORM)
Using optical filters to find dust time delays with LSST

This is the official website accompanying my recent paper “Dust reverberation mapping in the era of big optical surveys and its application as a standard ruler in cosmology”, Hönig 2014, ApJL, 784, 4 (arXiv:1401.0299)
Data products
(NOVEMBER 2015: NOT CURRENTLY DOWNLOADABLE -- please request via email)The feasibility study in Hönig (2014) is based on a catalog of 301 simulated AGN. Here are the data products from the various steps described in the paper in idl .sav file format. The corresponding .txt files provide information on the structures. Other formats will be made available soon (write me an email if you are interested in anything specific).
- Simulations
- AGN parameters: agn.tar.gz (4.3 MB)
- Dust parameters: dust.tar.gz (3.9 MB)
- BBB light curves: lc_agn.tar.gz (74.4 MB)
- Dust light curves: lc_dust.tar.gz (70.7 MB)
- combined light curves: lc.tar.gz (74.3 MB)
- Mock survey observations
- 6-month gaps: surv1.tar.gz (4.1 MB)
- 4-month gaps: surv2.tar.gz (3.6 MB)
- 2-month gaps: surv3.tar.gz (2.3 MB)
- Mock data analysis
- Resampled light curves: resamp.tar.gz (743 MB)
- Cross-correlation functions
- 6-month gaps: ccf1.tar.gz (136 MB)
- 4-month gaps: ccf2.tar.gz (90.4 MB)
- 2-month gaps: ccf3.tar.gz (45.3 MB)
- Time delay recovery: trec.sav (3 kB)
- AGN parameters: agn.tar.gz (4.3 MB)
- Dust parameters: dust.tar.gz (3.9 MB)
- BBB light curves: lc_agn.tar.gz (74.4 MB)
- Dust light curves: lc_dust.tar.gz (70.7 MB)
- combined light curves: lc.tar.gz (74.3 MB)
- 6-month gaps: surv1.tar.gz (4.1 MB)
- 4-month gaps: surv2.tar.gz (3.6 MB)
- 2-month gaps: surv3.tar.gz (2.3 MB)
- Resampled light curves: resamp.tar.gz (743 MB)
- Cross-correlation functions
- 6-month gaps: ccf1.tar.gz (136 MB)
- 4-month gaps: ccf2.tar.gz (90.4 MB)
- 2-month gaps: ccf3.tar.gz (45.3 MB)
- Time delay recovery: trec.sav (3 kB)